Home Remedies for Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are a very common health problem that affects about 10% of the world’s population. Elderly women and overweight people are more prone to it. Varicose veins are actually swollen twisted veins that are located close to the skin and therefore are visible. They represent an aesthetic and health problem. Varicose veins can cause unpleasant itching and in more serious cases, even severe pain. They are the consequence of pressure in veins as well as poor circulation. As preventive measures, try not to sit with your legs crossed, avoid standing for long hours and keep an optimum weight. Smoking, heart problems, pregnancy and hereditary factors contribute to the formation of varicose veins. Before taking any medical treatment one should try out all existing home remedies for varicose veins.
The first thing one ought to do is change their eating habits. A proper nutrition should consist of fresh fruit and vegetables and fish. Things to be avoided include:
- Carbohydrates
- trans fats
- junk food
- white sugar
- tobacco products
- white flour
- red meat
- alcohol
In order to increase the quality of your blood and its circulation eat as much cherries, berries, pineapple, ginger and garlic as possible. Constipation represents one of the major factors for developing varicose veins, thus you should consume fiber to keep regular bowel movements.
The best home remedies for varicose veins are doing sports and wearing comfortable clothes. At least twice a week, take a short or long walk, go riding a bicycle, jog or go swimming. Avoid tight trousers and skirts and wear only flat shoes. Lifting your feet above heart level and relaxing for at least 20 minutes once a week does miracles for varicose veins.
Another set of home remedies is stretching your calves regularly, often changing position when standing at work and moving your toes. All this is done to increase circulation in legs. Once a week, you can fill a tub with cold water and stand or walk in it for some while. You can shower your legs with hot water after that.
Another home remedy for varicose veins is applying castor oil on your legs and massaging them. Elevating your feet after such treatment will soothe you and reduce the swelling of your veins. Never scratch your varicose veins as you can only damage the skin and unnecessarily create ulcers. If you see that varicose veins are being created, buy a compression hose in the local pharmacy. Make sure that the supporting hose is properly fitted. You should consult your doctor about the possible treatment options that will suit your needs only if these home remedies for varicose veins could not help you. It is important to get rid of varicose veins in order to prevent more serious health problems.