Preventing Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are swollen and twisted veins on people’s legs. This health problem mostly affects older women over 50 years of age. However, nowadays, we all tend to stand for long hours at work or in the clubs and eat junk food and therefore more and more men are also seen with varicose veins. There are many different treatment methods available if you have a serious condition of varicose veins. Nevertheless, before opting for such treatment try out some home remedies. Prevention is the always the best cure, and this is true for varicose veins as well.
This set of guidelines for varicose vein prevention will help you maintain the optimum health of your veins. It is important to know that your veins need blood to circulate through them. Therefore, never wear tight clothes and high heels. Buy comfortable cotton underwear and clothes and walk in sneakers and flat shoes. Furthermore, carrying extra weight puts extra pressure on your veins. Your diet should be rich in unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. Eat plenty of fish, fruit, vegetables and nuts. Avoid late night meals, red meat and white sugar. Refrain from smoking in all occasions.
Keep your body in good condition by regular exercising and keep your muscles flexible by regular stretching. Jogging, yoga, walking are all parts of varicose veins prevention. Do not conduct vigorous exercising and always be cautious while doing any type of exercises. Keep your body hydrated by drinking enough water. If you have a type of job that requires you to stand long hours it would be best to quit. If this is not possible for any reason, stretch your calves while standing, wiggle your toes, change positions often, do everything you can to maintain circulation in your legs.
The most enjoyable thing that is also considered varicose veins prevention is regular relaxing with your feet up. Elevate your legs while watching TV or reading a good book. Gentle massages will relax your legs and improve body circulation. Even better than this – have your partner give you a foot massage. If your hormones change their level all the time, your veins will suffer. Avoid birth control pills with extra estrogen. Consult your doctor on how to be protected and keep your veins healthy. If you see that varicose veins are appearing, try wearing a supporting hose. If you are unsure which one to buy, your pharmacist can always help you find your size and the type of hose that suits your needs. Prevention of varicose veins is important as it will save you from pain and discomfort of varicose veins. Varicose veins are not so serious a condition but they can lead to far more dangerous health problems.