Treat Your Varicose Veins

What causes varicose veins?
The first thing you should know about varicose veins is that they occur when blood vessels become dilated, less elastic and the walls thicken. This can happen along an entire vein or on a smaller part of it. Veins transport deoxygenated blood towards the heart through the use of valves, which enable blood to run in the right direction. Problems usually occur in the legs, when valves fail to work properly, which is the main reason for varicose veins, as there aren’t any other obstacles that could block the blood flow. Varicose veins are not only to look at, but can also cause damage to your health. In the case that a blood clot forms, this clot can travel through vessels towards the heart, which can be very harmful.
Easy to identify
The symptoms are very easy to identify. Usually, the veins appear to be swollen and tender, and most people experience pain through the night. Blood flow direction might also be turned backwards when the person is standing up, which leads to a higher amount of blood accumulating into the legs. This condition is called varicose eczema or ulcers, and it happens because of gravity, as blood flows slower upwards, as the person is standing up. The condition is most common among people whose jobs involve a lot of standing or a lot of sitting. Other causes for varicose veins are obesity, pregnancy, constipation. What is more, a few habits that you might have, such as an unhealthy diet, smoking, crossing your legs or wearing clothes that are too tight on your legs, can also cause this problem.
Treating the problem
Nowadays, treatment for varicose veins includes surgery and injections, but these fail when it comes to treating the cause. What is more, by removing a blood vessel through surgery does not guarantee that the surrounding veins will not develop the same condition sooner or later. A better way to deal with this problem is the natural way, by changing your diet. The first thing to do is to start an all-juice or fruit diet for a few days, along with a clyster, to detoxify the body and prevent constipation. Further on, a strict diet is in order, based mostly on fruit and vegetables, such as oranges, salads, steamed vegetables, figs and raisins. Carbs, such as bread, should be avoided during this diet, as they ruin its effect.
The next step is to adopt a different diet, based on nuts, grains, seeds and fruit and vegetables, consumed in raw form. Foods that should be avoided include sugar, coffee and alcohol. Nonetheless, the fruit diet should be retaken every month, for a couple of days.
Another way to treat varicose veins is by alternating hot and cold water on your hips, as well as applying ice and mud packs on the leg or whichever part is affected. Moreover, exercising is very important, especially walking, cycling and swimming.