Treating Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are a condition which is quite commonly seen in people. Even though it is more common with women, it affects quite a lot of men as well. It is a condition which mainly manifests through an enlargement of veins, most commonly located in the thighs or the calves, leading to:
- pain
- burning sensations
- discomfort
- swelling
- bruising
and many other symptoms. Therefore, most patients suffering from this desire an effective treatment for varicose veins. The following lines will present some of the most effective ones.
First and foremost, taking into consideration that this condition is triggered by standing or sitting excessively long every day, excessive weight and some other lifestyle-related problems and activities, certain changes in the daily conduct of the patients can lead to pain relief and alleviation of varicose veins symptoms. Thus, avoiding tight clothes, making the necessary diet changes for weight loss and maintenance, exercising on a regular basis and refraining from staying in the same sitting or standing position for too long, all can be means of a treatment for varicose veins.
Additionally, if the case of varicose veins is not a serious one and medical intervention is not a necessity, wearing compression stockings is an excellent beginning of every healing treatment of this type. Choose high quality brands of compression stockings, being strong without the necessity of being excessively tight. Remember, comfort and pain relief are the most important factors that these stockings should promote.
Surgery solutions
On the other hand, if the varicose veins have reached a state which is quite serious, the intervention should be the same. One of several possible medical treatments for this problem is sclerotherapy, where a doctor injects a special solution into the affected veins making them retract over a period of several weeks.
Laser surgery is yet another possible treatment for varicose veins, leading to the same effects as sclerotherapy, while being far less invasive. As for some other invasive procedures, a heated catheter can be inserted in the affected veins, leading to their removal and disappearance from the surface of the skin. Also, these unwanted veins can be taken out through a procedure called vein stripping, where the doctor creates a series of smaller cuts into the affected vein, removing it. Skin punctures can lead to the same effect, where the doctor pierces the varicose vein in order to extract it without leaving significant skin marks once the area heals.
The worst case scenario regarding varicose veins, being the creation of leg ulcers, requires endoscopic vein surgery. This procedure is carried out by inserting a special, tiny camera inside the affected limb in order to locate varicose veins and assess their state. Once this part is over, the veins are dealt with through the creation of small cuts. Of course, you need to be careful when choosing the right products for the treatment for varicose veins. Namely, while there is a whole plethora of well-advertised products, you should focus on quality and reputation rather than the image and the cost. So, do not hesitate to consult with your health expert when in any kind of doubt.